It was recently my 21st birthday woohoooo! Even better Nathan got me two of the Fenty Beauty Mattemoiselle plush matte lipticks and his mam also got me one, woooow!
What I can say about them...
I am so in love I want them all, even the shades that might not suit me I can give them a go haha!
This is three shades swatched. The FB imprint came off straight away after my first try so I'm hoping that they last longer than I can imagine.
My skin is quite pale so you can get an idea of what they would look like if you also have pale skin.
So, putting them on...I started will a totally bare lip, moisturised half an hour before with a Nivea lip balm.
I'm so happy with them. The consistency is kind of like a paint, it covered up all the cracks in my dry lips and felt as though it was moisturising them rather than making them dryer like most matte lipsticks do.
Another thing I liked was that it was easy to overdraw your lips without it being too noticeable. I do have quite small lips and with most lipsticks I find it impossible to do without them smudging or looking way too obvious, especially as I wear quirky coloured lipsticks. I was quite surprised at how slim the packaging and holder was, the lipstick itself was also quite slim but it kinda worked.
I would so recommend these, I wore one of the boyz all day and it didn't budge. I went to top it up half way through the day and it didn't even need it. MIDNIGHT WASABI, GRISELDA and MA DAMN are my next shades I want to try!
Hope you enjoyed this one.
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