This is what I think...
Taking pictures is so important to me. They help me remember the feelings, smells, people and experience. Even if it’s just a picture of what I ate it still triggers the memory of that time which is exciting.
Some people don’t want or need to take pictures and some people take 20+ a day! Both are fine as long as your decision is not being negatively influenced.
Picture takers take pride in what they have to keep, therefore if they want to spend 10 minutes lining each item in the picture up so it looks nearly perfect then let them, it’s still the same object no matter how long the set up takes so what is the issue?
This leads me to discussing selfies and family pictures. Like many of you, I pretend I’m this confident, strong amazing girl, but when it comes to taking a picture that isn’t on the front camera the following what if thoughts go through my head; frizzy hair, flat hair, fat arms, fat belly, bong eye, rubbish outfit, people look better and the list goes on.
At the time I hate the picture yet when I look back on it months later I like it? Obviously something to do with change. Thankfully this encourages me to take family pictures, take random pictures and be happy in the moment.
I get pictures printed regularly and put them in an album now. I use the free prints app and have done for a year or so. It’s so easy as all of my pictures are on my phone and you get 40 prints free each month, only paying postage and then if you want extra they are really cheap!
Hope you enjoyed this blog post, I enjoyed writing it!
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